$67K/mo From an AI-Coded Game

On February 21st, Peter Levels used Cursor to build a flight simulator game (the initial game only took 30 minutes to build).

(For the uninformed, Cursor is an AI coding tool. You explain what you want to the AI, and it codes it for you.)

This is the initial tweet about the game:

Today, that game has earned $67,000 ($10,000 more than the day before).

The revenue comes from in-game ads, which cost $5,000/month.

It’s worthwhile for advertisers because there are 15,000+ people playing the game per day, and the tweets about the game consistently get hundreds of thousands of views.

You’re probably thinking “this is great and all, but the guy has 625K followers – anything he touches turns to gold”. And you’d be right. No way this game would’ve gone anywhere if he didn’t have a large following.

However…because of his large following, he’s opened the door for people with small followings to piggyback off the success. I’ll share two examples.

The first is a game called Vibe Sail.

The guy who built it (Nicola) has less than 2,000 followers (and had much less before building the game). He tweeted a bunch about his progress building the game, regularly tagging @levelsio, who retweeted him a few times.

Vibe Sail is now making $2,700 in monthly ad subscriptions.

Vibe Sail is only 8 days old (at the time of writing this), and already at $2,700 MRR. Crazy.

The next example isn’t a game. It’s a directory of AI-built games!

This directory is already getting lots of traffic.

But best of all, it’s earning a bit of change:

So yeah, you don’t have to be Peter Levels to make money from this trend. Try building a game in public like Peter and Nicola. Tag them and interact on their posts (not in a spammy way).

Or, sell “shovels” in this gold rush, like Rodrigo is doing with his AI-built games directory.

If you do try building a game, I hear the best tech stack to use is Cursor and ThreeJS. Just tell Cursor what game you want to build, and tell it to use ThreeJS. Simple.

If you don’t know how to get started with Cursor, the first step is to download it from the Cursor website.

Then, watch this video:

Now you, too, can be a “vibe coder” – and you have everything you need to build fun games like the flight simulator and Vibe Sail.

Have fun!

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